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Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1881-1886, dic. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528804


SUMMARY: The aim of this study was to determine influence of upper limbs on the ball throwing velocity. A total of 10 professional handball players (25.74±4.84 years) participated in this study. All of them were playing in the top Montenegrin professional handball league. The results obtained in this study shows that upper limbs have high influence on ball throwing velocity. This study provides normative data and performance standards for professional handball. Coaches can use this information to determine the type of anthropometric characteristics that are needed for handball. Anthropometric parameters such as arm length, wrist diameter, hand length and arm span are the most relevant aspects related to ball throwing speed, given that these parameters cannot be changed through training, they should be taken into account when discovering talents.

El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la influencia de los miembros superiores sobre la velocidad de lanzamiento de la pelota. En el estudio participaron un total de 10 jugadores profesionales de balonmano (25,74±4,84 años). Todos ellos jugaban en la principal liga profesional de balonmano de Montenegro. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que los miembros superiores tienen una alta influencia en la velocidad de lanzamiento de la pelota. Este estudio proporciona datos normativos y estándares de rendimiento para el balonmano profesional. Los entrenadores pueden utilizar esta información para determinar el tipo de características antropométricas necesarias para el balonmano. Los parámetros antropométricos como la longitud del brazo, el diámetro de la muñeca, la longitud de la mano y la envergadura del brazo son los aspectos más relevantes relacionados con la velocidad de lanzamiento de la pelota, dado que estos parámetros no se pueden cambiar mediante el entrenamiento, deben tenerse en consideración a la hora de descubrir talentos.

Humans , Adult , Young Adult , Anthropometry , Upper Extremity/anatomy & histology , Athletic Performance , Movement , Biomechanical Phenomena , Kinetics , Kinanthropometry
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526200


Objective: the objective of this study was to examine the anthropometric and physical profile of selected school-age children in rural and urban setting. Methods: the descriptive cross-sectional design was adopted for the study while multistage sampling techniques, which included simple random and systematic sampling techniques, were used to draw samples from the target population. The sample constitute healthy children who voluntarily participated in the study after consent for participation was given by individual parent. Anthropometric measurements for the study included height, weight, sitting height and BMI while the physical fitness tests for the study included sit and reach, handgrip strength, speed bounce, standing broad jump, 10m x 5 shuttles run and multistage fitness test. Z score, STEN score and independent T-Test were used for data analysis. Results: a total of 222 healthy children with average age of 10 years (male=112, female=109) participated in the study. The results showed that the urban children were taller (Urban=141.3±9.2m; Rural=134±21.3m), heavier (Urban=37.6±10.4kg; Rural=28.2±6.2kg), had more leg power (Urban=105.7±25.5; Rural=49.4±41.0) and arm strength (Urban=15.7±4.1; Rural=13.4±5.2) than rural children. However, the rural children had higher sit and reach score (Rural=25.3±5.8; Urban=22.8±6.0) and completed more laps in multistage fitness test (Rural=35.5±25.5; Urban=12±5.7). The statistical analysis showed that all the variables were significantly different urban and rural children (P<0.05). Conclusion: the current study shows that the children in the urban and rural settings differed in the selected anthropometric and physical variables Therefore, the physical education program and infrastructural facilities for physical activity and sport participation for school age children should be designed based on the socioeconomic status, social amenities and level of development of the host community

Objetivo: examinar o perfil antropométrico e físico de crianças em idade escolar selecionadas em ambientes rurais e urbanos. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo transversal aplicando técnicas de amostragem em vários estágios, que incluíam processos de amostragem aleatória simples e sistemática, usadas para extrair amostras da população-alvo. A amostra constitui-se de crianças saudáveis que participaram voluntariamente do estudo, após consentimento para participação dado por um dos pais. As medições antropométricas incluíram altura, peso, altura sentada e IMC, enquanto os testes de aptidão física para o estudo incluíram sentar-se e alcançar, força de preensão manual, salto de velocidade, salto em largura, corrida de vaivém de 10 x 5 metros e teste de aptidão multiestágio. Foram usados para a análise escore z, escore STEN e teste t independentemente dos dados. Resultados: um total de 222 crianças saudáveis com idade média de 10 anos (masculino=112, feminino=109) participaram do estudo. Os resultados mostraram que as crianças urbanas eram mais altas (Urbano=141,3±9,2m; Rurais=134±21,3m), mais pesadas (Urbano=37,6±10,4kg; Rurais=28,2±6,2kg), tinham mais força nas pernas (Urbano=105,7±25,5; Rurais =49,4±41,0) e força de braço (Urbano=15,7±4,1; Rural=13,4±5,2) do que as crianças da zona rural. No entanto, as crianças da zona rural tiveram maior pontuação de sentar e alcançar (Rural=25,3±5,8; Urbana=22,8±6,0) e completaram mais voltas no teste de condicionamento físico multiestágio (Rural=35,5±25,5; Urbana=12±5,7). Todas as variáveis eram significativamente diferentes entre crianças urbanas e rurais (P<0,05). Conclusão: o presente estudo mostrou que as crianças das áreas urbana e rural diferiram nas variáveis antropométricas e físicas selecionadas. Portanto, o programa de educação física e as instalações de infraestrutura para atividades físicas e participação em esportes para crianças em idade escolar devem ser projetados com base no status socioeconômico, nas comodidades sociais e no nível de desenvolvimento da comunidade anfitriã

Child , Anthropometry , Rural Population , Urban Population
Motriz (Online) ; 28: e10220001222, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406022


Abstract Aims: analyze kinematics, anthropometrics, and maturation during a training season in 12 y and underage-group swimmers, quantifying changes and estimating their contributions to the 200-m maximal front crawl time trial test (T200) (time trial/fixed distance), as an event representative of the swimming performance. Methods: Nineteen age-group swimmers (11 girls and 8 boys; age 10.0 ± 1.3 y and 10.6 ± 1.0 y) performed a T200 four times during the training season. Changes in kinematic and anthropometric variables throughout the season were calculated. We applied generalized estimating equations to compare the variables over the four experimental tests. Multiple linear regressions were applied to identify the most influential variables and the relative contribution of anthropometrics and kinematics to swimming performance of T200 at baseline (pre-season) and after (using delta values) each macrocycle. Results: Large improvements (d = 1.76) were observed in the T200's performance (from 85.5 ± 38.2 at pre-season to 175.2 ± 50.1 FINA points at the end season). A gender effect was not identified. Stroke rate, stroke length, and stroke index explained, respectively 59, 23, and 17% of the T200 performance changes along the season (R2 = 0.81; F = 26.9; p < 0.001; Durbin-Watson: 1.5). Anthropometric was not related to performance changes, with kinematic being the most determinant factor. Conclusion: Kinematical approaches must be carefully considered by coaches when planning 12 y and underage-group swimmers training programs.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 48(1)feb. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388466


ABSTRACT The assessment of the nutritional status of hospitalized patients is fundamental to the establishment of the diagnosis. For bedridden patients, however, it is not possible to determine simple measures, such as weight and height, which are the most widely used variables for nutritional assessments. Objective: Compare real and estimated anthropometric measures in hospitalized patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with adult (>18 years of age) and senior patients (>60 years of age) admitted for clinical or surgical treatment in the general surgery infirmary of Governador Paulo Guerra Restauração Hospital. Data (sex, age, clinical diagnosis, real weight, real height, body mass index, knee height and arm circumference) were collected using nutritional follow-up charts and tabulated using Excel 2016. Statistical analyses were performed in SPSS® version 21.0. Results: One hundred and twenty patients participated in the study (median age: 55 years). Most were adults (73.3%) and women (53.3%). The mean differences in weight between the estimated and real measures were statistically significant (p=0.000), with an overestimation of this variable. Regarding height, the estimated values differed significantly from the real values in both men and women (p<0.000) and the difference was larger among the seniors (mean: -0.072). No significant difference was found between the real and estimated body mass index (p= 0.44). Conclusion: In the comparison of methods for estimating weight and height to real measures, a tendency was found to overestimate these body measures.

RESUMEN La evaluación del estado nutricional de los pacientes hospitalizados es esencial para establecer su diagnóstico. Sin embargo, para los pacientes postrados en cama, no se pueden realizar medidas sencillas como el peso y la altura, que son las más utilizadas para el diagnóstico nutricional. Objetivo: Comparar mediciones antropométricas reales y estimadas en pacientes hospitalizados. Metodología: Estudio transversal, que incluye pacientes adultos (>18 años) y personas mayores de 60 años, ingresados para tratamiento clínico o quirúrgico en la sala de cirugía general del Hospital da Restauração Governador Paulo Guerra. Los datos (sexo, edad, diagnóstico clínico, peso real, altura real, índice de masa corporal, altura de la rodilla y circunferencia del brazo) se recopilaron mediante los formularios de monitoreo nutricional y se tabularon en el software Excel 2016. Los análisis estadísticos se realizaron con SPSS®, versión 21.0. Resultados: 120 pacientes con mediana de 55 años, en su mayoría adultos (73,3%) y mujeres (53,3%). Las diferencias promedio entre las mediciones estimadas y reales fueron estadísticamente significativas, con sobreestimación del peso (p<0,0001). Con respecto a la altura, fue posible identificar que las medidas estimadas diferían significativamente (p<0,0001) de las reales para hombres y mujeres, y que esta variación era aún mayor entre los ancianos (media: -0,072). No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el índice de masa corporal real y el estimado (p= 0,44). Conclusión: Al comparar las metodologías para estimar el peso y la altura con las mediciones reales, fue posible observar una tendencia de los métodos a sobreestimar estas mediciones corporales.

Int. j. morphol ; 39(1): 84-89, feb. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385325


RESUMEN: El objetivo del estudio fue determinar las características antropométricas y de composición corporal en jóvenes tenistas de elite chilenos. El estudio fue de carácter descriptivo de corte transversal. La muestra de 84 tenistas (58 varones 15,5 ± 0,76 años y 26 damas, 15,3 ± 0,8 años), fue seleccionada de forma no probabilística por conveniencia. Se evaluaron variables antropométricas de peso, estatura, estatura sentada, pliegues cutáneos (bíceps, tríceps, subescapular, supraespinal, abdominal, muslo anterior y pierna medial), perímetros (brazo flexionado, muslo medio y pierna) y diámetros (biepicondíleo de húmero y del fémur). Se realizaron análisis antropométricos y cálculos para determinar la composición corporal y el somatotipo de los sujetos participantes. Los resultados para los varones fueron, peso corporal 64,3±7,94 kg, estatura 1,74 ± 0,08 m, porcentaje de grasa 16,6±4,1 %, de componente Mesomorfo balan- ceado. Las damas presentaron un peso corporal 49,8±6,9 kg, estatura 1,65±0,03 m, porcentaje de grasa 19,3±4,8%,de componente Ectomorfo balanceado. En general, ambos grupos muestran características antropométricas y de composición corporal similares a otros grupos de tenistas juveniles, a excepción del somatotipo en el caso de las damas.

SUMMARY: The aim of the study was to determine the anthropometric characteristics and body composition in young Chilean elite tennis players aged 14 to 16 years. It was a descriptive cross-sectional study. A non-probability convenience sampling of 84 tennis players (58 males 15.5 ± 0.76 years old and 26 females, 15.3 ± 0.8 years old) was selected. Anthropometric variables of weight, height, sitting height, skin folds (biceps, triceps, subscapular, supraspinal, abdominal, anterior thigh and medial leg), perimeters (flexed arm, middle thigh and leg) and diameters (humerus and femur) were evaluated. Anthropometric analysis and calculations were performed to determine the body composition and somatotype of the participanting subjects. The results for males were, body weight 64.3 ± 7.94 kg, height 1.74 ± 0.08 m, percentage of fat 16.6 ± 4.1%, balanced mesomorph component. The females had a body weight of 49.8 ± 6.9 kg, height of 1.65 ± 0.03 m, percentage of fat 19.3 ± 4.8%, balanced ectomorph component. In general, both groups showed similar anthropometric and body composition characteristics as compared to other groups of young tennis players, with the exception of the somatotype in the case of the females.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Body Composition , Tennis , Anthropometry , Somatotypes , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 96(4): 511-519, July-Aug. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1135049


Abstract Objectives: (a) To determine the 3rd, 50th, and 97th percentiles of weight, length, and head circumference of newborns from the Ribeirão Preto BRISA cohort, according to gender and gestational age, and compare them with the Intergrowth-21st standard; (b) To estimate the small for gestational age ( < 3rd percentile), large for gestational age ( > 97th percentile), stunting (length < 3rd percentile), and wasting (body mass index < 3rd percentile). Methods: Observational study of a cohort of 7702 newborns between 01/01/2010 and 12/31/2010 in the city of Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. The 3rd, 50th, and 97th percentiles were determined for the anthropometric measurements using fractional polynomial regression. Results: The weight difference between Ribeirão Preto and Intergrowth-21st was small, being more pronounced in preterm infants (mean difference between the two populations of +266 g); for full-term newborns, there was a mean difference of +66 g, and for post-term infants, of -113 g. For length, the mean variation was always <1 cm; whereas for head circumference, preterm newborns showed a variation >1 cm, and full-term and post-term newborns showed a variation of <1 cm. The small and large for gestational age detection rates were 2.9% and 4.3%, respectively. Stunting affected 6.5% of all newborns and wasting, 1.5%, with a predominance in girls and in full-term pregnancies; both conditions were present in 0.4% of the sample. Conclusions: Newborns from Ribeirão Preto, when compared to the Intergrowth-21 standard, are heavier, longer, and have a larger head circumference until they reach full-term.

Resumo Objetivos: Determinar os percentis 3, 50 e 97 de peso, comprimento e perímetro cefálico de recém-nascidos da Coorte BRISA Ribeirão Preto, segundo sexo e idade gestacional, e comparar com o padrão Intergrowth-21st; b) Estimar os fenótipos pequeno para idade gestacional (< percentil 3), grande para idade gestacional (> percentil 97), stunting (comprimento < percentil 3) e waisting (índice de massa corporal < percentil 3). Método: Estudo observacional de uma coorte de 7.702 recém-nascidos entre 01/01 e 31/12/2010 na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. Os percentis 3, 50 e 97 para as medidas antropométricas foram determinados com regressão polinomial fracionária. Resultados: A diferença de peso entre Ribeirão Preto e Intergrowth-21st foi pequena, mais acentuada nos recém-nascidos pré-termo (diferença média entre as duas populações foi de + 266 gramas); para os recém-nascidos a termo a diferença média foi de + 66 gramas e para os pós-termo de -113 gramas. Para comprimento, a variação média foi sempre < 1 cm; enquanto que para perímetro cefálico os recém-nascidos pré-termo apresentaram variação > 1 cm e os recém-nascidos a termo e pós-termo tiveram variação < 1 cm. As taxas de detecção de pequeno e grande para idade gestacional foram 2,9% e 4,3%, respectivamente. Stunting afetou 6,5% de todos os recém-nascidos e waisting 1,5%, com predomínio em meninas e em gestações a termo; ambas as condições estavam presentes em 0,4% da amostra. Conclusões: Os recém-nascidos de Ribeirão Preto, quando comparados com o padrão Intergrowth-21st, apresentam-se mais pesados, mais longos e com maior circunferência craniana até chegarem a termo.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant, Premature , Birth Weight , Body Height , Brazil/epidemiology , Cephalometry , Gestational Age , Head
Int. j. morphol ; 36(4): 1407-1412, Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-975716


Research with police officers (POs) suggests an association between body composition, physical performance and health. The aim of the study was to investigate the associations between body composition and measures of physical fitness, and their use to predict estimated physical fitness score (EPFS). The sample included 163 male POs (age = 31.61 ± 4.79 years, height = 172.97 ± 6.09 cm, body mass = 77.53 ± 11.66 kg). Eight body composition variables: body mass index (BMI), body fat mass index (BFMI), percent of body fat (PBF), percent skeletal muscle mass (PSMM), index of hypokinezia (IH), skeletal muscle mass index (SMMI), protein mass index (PMI), and fat-free mass index (FFMI); and four physical fitness measures: a 3.2 km run, a 2-minute push-up, 2-minute sit-up and estimated physical fitness score (EPFS) were correlated, followed by the regression analysis for causal relationship between body composition and EPFS. Running 3.2 km test correlated to BMI, PBF, PSMM, BFMI, and SMMI (r = 0.274, 0.250, -0.234, 0.311, p<0.01, respectively); 2-minute push-up correlated to PBF, PSMM, BFMI, SMMI, PMI, IH, and FFMI (r = -0.413, 0.436, -0.375, 0.221, 0.231, -0.411, 0.261, p<0.01, respectively); 2-minute sit-up correlated to PBF, PSMM, BFMI, and IH (r = -0.237, 0.250, -0.236, -0.218, p<0.01, respectively); and EPFS correlated to BMI, FFMI, PBF, PSMM, BFMI, and IH (r = -0.200, 0.168, p<0.05, and r = -0.369, 0.378, 0.376, -0.317, p <0.01, respectively). Two models of predictions were extracted: 1) PBF, BFMI, PMI and FFMI (R2 = 0.250, p<0.001); 2) PBF, BFMI and PMI (R2 = 0.244, p<0.001). Obtained prediction models may be a promising screening method of a POs' fitness, when conducting the physical tests is not possible or safe (obese and injured POs or bad weather conditions).

En este trabajo realizado con oficiales de policía (OP) se sugiere una asociación entre la composición corporal y el rendimiento físico y la salud. El objetivo del estudio fue investigar las asociaciones entre la composición corporal y las medidas de aptitud física, y su uso para predecir el puntaje de aptitud física estimado (PAFE). La muestra incluyó 163 OP masculinos (edad = 31,61 ± 4,79 años, altura = 172,97 ± 6,09 cm, masa corporal = 77,53 ± 11,66 kg). Se analizaron ocho variables de composición corporal: índice de masa corporal (IMC), índice de masa corporal grasa (IMCG), porcentaje de grasa corporal (PGC), porcentaje de masa muscular esquelética (PMME), índice de hipoquinezia (IH), índice de masa muscular esquelética (IMME), índice de masa proteica (IMP) e índice de masa libre de grasa (IMLG); y cuatro medidas de aptitud física: se correlacionaron una carrera de 3,2 km, una elevación de 2 minutos, una postura de 2 minutos y un puntaje de aptitud física estimada (PAFE), seguido del análisis de regresión para la relación causal entre la composición corporal y el PAFE. La prueba de ejecución de 3,2 km se correlacionó con el IMC, PGC, PMME, IMCG y IMME (r = 0,274, 0,250, -0,234, 0,311, p <0,01, respectivamente); Push-up de 2 minutos correlacionado con PGC, PMME, IMCG, IMME, PMI, IH y IMLG (r = -0,413, 0,436, -0,375, 0,221, 0,231, 0,411, 0,261, p <0,01, respectivamente); Sit-up de 2 minutos correlacionado con PGC, PMME, IMCG e IH (r = -0,237, 0,250, 0,236, -0,218, p <0,01, respectivamente); y EPFS correlacionado con IMC, IMLG, PGC , PMME, IGMC e IH (r = -0,200, 0,168, p <0,05, y r = -0,369, 0,378, 0,376, -0,317, p <0,01, respectivamente). Se extrajeron dos modelos de predicción: 1) PGC, IGMC, IMP y IMLG (R2 = 0,250, p <0,001); 2) PGC, IGMC y IMP (R2 = 0,244, p <0,00). Los modelos de predicción obtenidos pueden ser un método prometedor de detección de la condición física de los OP, cuando no es posible o seguro realizar las pruebas físicas (OP obesos y lesionados o condiciones climáticas adversas).

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Anthropometry , Physical Fitness/physiology , Police , Body Composition , Body Mass Index
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition ; : 299-308, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627115


Introduction: Although reports are conflicting on arsenic-selenium interactions, there is paucity of data on the determinants of plasma selenium (Se) and arsenic (As) in healthy individuals in Ebonyi State, South Eastern Nigeria. Ebonyi State is richly endowed with mineral deposits which are mined without consideration of their health hazards. This study is aimed at assessing the socio-demographic determinants of plasma arsenic and selenium in apparently healthy individuals in Ebonyi State. Methods: Apparently healthy individuals (n=441) consisting of 117 males, 184 females and 140 pregnant females, aged ≥ 18 years (mean=38.5±0.6 yrs) were randomly selected from 130 geo-political Wards (10 Wards from each of the 13 Local Government Areas of Ebonyi state) to constitute the study population. Plasma arsenic and selenium were determined in blood samples using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Socio-demographic data were collected using questionnaires while anthropometric measurements were determined using standard methods. Results: The mean plasma arsenic levels were 0.204±0.02 (males), 0.209±0.02 (females), 0.186±0.02 μg/ dl (pregnant females) and plasma selenium levels were 0.134±0.01 (males), 0.138±0.01 (females), 0.147±0.01 μg/dl (pregnant females), respectively. Plasma Se levels were generally lower than the value (5.92 μg/dl) considered universally as inadequate. While plasma levels of As and Se were not significantly different between male and female, obese subjects had significantly lower plasma levels of both elements. There was a significant negative correlation between BMI and plasma As. Neither smoking nor alcohol consumption was associated with plasma levels of As and Se. Conclusion: Apparently healthy individuals in Ebonyi State exhibited elevated plasma levels of As and low plasma Se, which may potentially place them at risk of adverse health associated with As toxicity.

Rev. paul. pediatr ; 34(3): 352-358, July-Sept. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-794965


Abstract Objective: The present study aimed to: 1) examine the association of biological maturation effect on performance at a motor coordination battery and 2) to assess whether the association between biological maturation and scores obtained in motor coordination tests is mediated by some anthropometric measurement. Methods: The convenience sample consisted of 73 male children aged 8 years old. Anthropometric data considered the height, body mass, sitting height, waist circumference, body mass index, fat mass and fat-free mass estimates. Biological maturation was assessed by the percentage of the predicted mature stature. Motor coordination was tested by the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder. A partial correlation between anthropometric measurements, z-score of maturation and the motor coordination tests were performed, controlling for chronological age. Finally, causal mediation analysis was performed. Results: Height, body mass, waist circumference and fat mass showed a slight to moderate inverse correlation with motor coordination. Biological maturation was significantly associated with the balance test with backward walking (r=-0.34). Total mediation of the waist circumference was identified in the association between biological maturation and balance test with backward walking (77%). Conclusions: We identified an association between biological maturation and KTK test performance in male children and also verified that there is mediation of waist circumference. It is recommended that studies be carried out with female individuals and at other age ranges.

Resumo Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivos: 1) analisar a associação do estado maturacional com o desempenho nas provas de coordenação motora em crianças e 2) examinar se a relação entre o estado maturacional e o desempenho no KTK é mediada por alguma medida antropométrica. Métodos: A amostra de conveniência foi composta por 73 crianças do sexo masculino com 8 anos. A antropometria considerou a estatura, massa corporal, altura sentado, o perímetro de cintura, índice de massa corporal, as estimativas de massa gorda e massa livre de gordura. A maturação biológica foi avaliada pelo percentual da estatura matura predita. A coordenação motora foi testada pela bateria Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder. Foi feita a correlação parcial entre as medidas antropométricas, z-escore da maturação e as provas de coordenação motora, com controle para idade cronológica. Por último, a análise de mediação causal foi feita. Resultados: Estatura, massa corporal, perímetro de cintura e massa gorda apresentaram correlação inversa de magnitude pequena a moderada com as provas de coordenação motora. A maturação biológica associou-se significativamente à prova de equilíbrio em marcha à retaguarda (r=-0,34). Foi identificada mediação total do perímetro de cintura na relação do estado maturacional com o equilíbrio em marcha à retaguarda (77%). Conclusões: Foi possível identificar a associação entre o estado físico maturacional e o desempenho em uma prova de bateria de coordenação motora em crianças do sexo masculino e, ainda, afirmar que há mediação do perímetro de cintura. Recomenda-se que estudos sejam feitos com indivíduos de outras idades e do sexo feminino.

Humans , Male , Child , Psychomotor Performance , Child Development , Waist Circumference
Rev. paul. pediatr ; 34(2): 216-224, Apr.-June 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-784328


Objective: To obtain an overview of available information on the anthropometric assessment of Brazilian children attending daycare centers. Data source: A literature search was carried out in the PubMed, LILACS and SciELO databases of studies published from 1990 to 2013 in Portuguese and English languages. The following search strategy was used: (nutritional status OR anthropometrics OR malnutrition OR overweight) AND daycare centers, as well as the equivalent terms in Portuguese. In the case of MEDLINE search, the descriptor Brazil was also used. Data synthesis: It was verified that the 33 studies included in the review were comparable from a methodological point of view. The studies, in general, were characterized by their restrictive nature, geographical concentration and dispersion of results in relation to time. Considering the studies published from 2010 onwards, low prevalence of acute malnutrition and significant rates of stunting and overweight were observed. Conclusions: Despite the limitations, considering the most recent studies that used the WHO growth curves (2006), it is suggested that the anthropometric profile of Brazilian children attending daycare centers is characterized by a nutritional transition process, with significant prevalence of overweight and short stature. We emphasize the need to develop a multicenter survey that will more accurately define the current anthropometric nutritional status of Brazilian children attending daycare centers.

Objetivo: Traçar um panorama da informação disponível sobre a avaliação antropométrica de crianças brasileiras assistidas em creches. Fontes de dados: Pesquisa bibliográfica nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS e SciELO de estudos publicados de 1990 a 2013 nos idiomas português e inglês. Foi utilizada a seguinte estratégia de busca: (estado nutricional OR antropometria OR desnutrição OR sobrepeso) AND creches. No caso da busca no MEDLINE o descritor Brazil também foi usado. Síntese dos dados: Verificou-se que os 33 estudos incluídos apresentaram comparabilidade do ponto de vista metodológico. Os estudos, no seu conjunto, caracterizaram-se por sua natureza restritiva, concentração geográfica e dispersão dos resultados em relação ao tempo. Considerando os estudos publicados a partir de 2010, observam-se baixas prevalências de desnutrição aguda e taxas expressivas de déficit de estatura e de sobrepeso. Conclusões: Apesar das limitações, considerando os estudos mais recentes que utilizaram as curvas de crescimento OMS (2006), sugere-se que o perfil antropométrico de crianças brasileiras assistidas em creches caracteriza-se por um processo de transição nutricional com prevalências expressivas de sobrepeso e de baixa estatura. Ressalta-se a necessidade do desenvolvimento de um inquérito multicêntrico para delimitar de forma mais precisa o estado nutricional antropométrico atual das crianças brasileiras que frequentam creches.

Humans , Child , Anthropometry , Child Day Care Centers
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine ; : 22-25, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-626972


In developing ergonomically sound furniture, there is a need in evaluating anthropometrics from various aspect such as gender differences. The objectives of this study was to evaluate anthropometrics differences between genders of children in Malaysia in order to determine the need in having specified chairs for each gender. Represented by four states in Malaysia, a total of 2400 children were involved in the study. A custom made measurer and an anthropometer were used to measure the subjects. Six body measurements, which are, sitting shoulder height, sitting subscapular height, shoulder breadth, buttock popliteal length, popliteal height and hip width were documented for evaluation. From this study, there were some significant differences on some body parts while other body parts were similar to male and female. Therefore, chairs are needed to be made according to the suitability of both gender.

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine ; : 80-85, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-626739


This study on anthropometrics of Primary School children from grade 1 to 5 in Peninsular Malaysia involves 2310 students aged seven to eleven years old. The objectives were to analyze the differentiation of anthropometrics between children of grades 1 to 5 and grouping them to suitable levels in which they are appropriate to propose chair dimensions. A multi-stage sampling method was used, and rural and urban areas were also included in providing anthropometric database that represents the whole Peninsular Malaysia population. There were six dimensions measured in this study, which are sitting shoulder, sitting subscapular height, sitting elbow height, hip width, buttock-popliteal length and popliteal height. All the measurements were chosen to represent dimensions needed to construct ergonomic school chair. From the results, ANOVA showed p-values of <0.01 for all body dimensions when compared to grades 1 to 5. Column charts were also illustrated, where grade 1 and 2 had similar anthropometrics. Therefore, it can be concluded that Level 1 chairs should made to accommodate grades 1 and 2, and Level 2 chairs should cater children of grades 3, 4 and 5.

Chinese Journal of Clinical Nutrition ; (6): 96-100, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-486829


Objective To analyze the dietary habits, energy intake and expenditure, anthropometrics, and body composition of the outpatients visiting the weight loss clinic of Beijing Hospital.Methods We pro-spectively enrolled 89 consecutive patients with body mass index ( BMI) ≥24 kg/m2 from November 2014 to August 2015 in the weight loss clinic of Beijing Hospital.There were 35 male and 54 female, with the mean age of (45.8 ±16.4) years.We divided them into two groups:the diabetes group (n=35) and the non-diabetes group (n=54), and compared the dietary habits, energy intake and expenditure, anthropometrics and body composition between the two groups.Results Regardless of diabetes, the overweight and obese patients all ate fast, mostly finishing a meal in about 10 minutes.They preferred Chinese food and meat, and disliked hot food.The frequency of dinning out in the non-diabetes group (3-5 times per week) was higher than that in the diabetes group (1-2 times per week) .Compared with the diabetes group, the non-diabetes group had higher fat-to-energy ratio [(34.9 ±7.6)%vs.(30.8 ±5.9)%], but lower carbohydrate intake [(232.2 ±59.7) g vs.(283.6 ±89.5) g], carbohydrate-to-energy ratio [ (47.9 ±8.3)%vs.(53.4 ±7.1)%], and the ratio of resting metabolic rate to body weight [ (66.9 ±9.6) kJ/(d? kg) vs.(71.1 ±7.9) kJ/(d? kg)] (all P0.05).Anthropometrics showed that the mean BMI of the patients was (32.8 ±4.4) kg/m2, with the maxi-mum being 53.5 kg/m2.The hip circumference [ (117.15 ±9.9) cm vs.(111.1 ±8.2) cm], upper arm circumference [ (36.4 ±3.8) cm vs.(34.0 ±3.3) cm], and triceps skinfold thickness [ (36.1 ±8.9) mm vs.(31.6 ±8.8) mm] were larger in the non-diabetes group than in the diabetes group (all P0.05).According to body compo-sition analysis, the body weight [ (94.8 ±18.3) kg vs.(86.9 ±17.2) kg], body fat mass [ (39.7 ± 11.3) kg vs.(33.5 ±8.9) kg], body fat percentage [ (41.7 ±6.5)%vs.(38.5 ±6.7)%], and visceral fat area [ (145.3 ±24.8) cm2 vs.(130.7 ±27.5) cm2 ] were larger in the non-diabetes group than in the di-abetes group ( all P0.05).Conclusion Compared with diabetes patients, overweight and obese non-diabetes patients may be younger, having worse dietary habits, and having larger body fat mass, body fat percentage, and visceral fat area.

Rev. venez. endocrinol. metab ; 13(3): 146-155, oct. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-780181


Objetivo: Evaluar la interrelación de índices de resistencia y sensibilidad a la insulina con variables antropométricas y metabólicas de mujeres del tercer trimestre de embarazo y RN a término. Métodos: Este estudio transversal evaluó 52 mujeres sanas en el tercer trimestre del embarazo y 52 reciénnacidos (RN) a término. Se evaluaron peso corporal pregestacional y ganancia durante el embarazo (Δpeso). Se estimó el peso fetal (PFE), circunferencia abdominal fetal (CAF) y grosor placentario por ultrasonido. Se registró peso, talla y circunferencia abdominal (CA) del RN y peso placentario. Se realizó lipidograma, glucosa e insulina en ayunas en el suero de la madre y cordón umbilical. Se calcularon los índices lipídicos y de resistencia y sensibilidad a la insulina. Resultados: El Δpeso materno se correlacionó positivamente con PFE y peso del RN (r=0,32, p<0,02; r=0,32, p<0,05). El HOMA-R del RN se relacionó positivamente con CT (r=0,46; p<0,01) y TG (r=0,52; p<0,0001). El índice TG/C-HDL del RN se correlacionó positivamente con índices HOMA-R y TG/C-HDLmat (r=0,31, p=0,03; r=0,35, p=0,01). El peso pregestacional, materno final, placentario y TG maternos fueron significativamente más altos en los RN de mayor peso. Los índices TG/C-HDLmat y HOMA-Rmat se relacionaron inversamente con los índices QUICKImat y HOMA-Smat (p<0,01). Conclusiones: La cuantificación de los índices TG/C-HDL, HOMA-R, HOMA-S y QUICKI en el tercer trimestre del embarazo, puede tener utilidad potencial para identificar mujeres con riesgo alto para desarrollar complicaciones metabólicas en el embarazo.

Objective: To evaluate the relationship between insulin resistance and sensibility indexes with anthropometrics and metabolic parameters in third trimester of pregnant women and normal term newborns. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 52 normal pregnant women in third trimester and 52 term born were assessed. Pre-gestational body weight, blood pressure and pregnancy weight gain (Δ-weight) were registered. Estimated fetal weight (EFW) and abdominal circumference (AFC) and placental gross were evaluated by ultrasound. Placental and newborn body weight, height and abdominal circumference were registered. Serum lipids, glucose and insulin concentrations were measured in fasting women and cord blood. Placental weight was registered. Lipids and insulin resistance and sensibility indexes were calculated. Results: Δ-weight was significant and positively correlated with EFW and newborn body weight (r=0,32, p<0,02; r=0,32; p<0,05). Newborn HOMA-R was positively correlated with total cholesterol (TC) (r=0,46; p<0,01) and triglycerides serum concentration (r=0,52; p<0,0001). TG/C-HDL index was positively correlated with HOMA-R and maternal TG/C-HDL(r=0,31, p=0,03; r=0,35, p=0,01). Pre-gestational weight, term weight, placental and serum maternal triglycerides were significantly higher in newborns with higher body weight group. Maternal TG/C-HDL and HOMA-R were negatively related with maternal QUICKI and HOMA-S (p<0,01). Conclusions: The quantification of TG/C-HDL, HOMA-R, HOMA-S QUICKI indexes in pregnant women during third trimester could be potentially useful to identify pregnant women at high risk of developing metabolic complications during pregnancy.

Int. j. morphol ; 33(3): 996-1001, Sept. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-762576


El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los índices de proporcionalidad y la composición corporal de la Gimnasia Acrobática estableciéndose una diferenciación en función del rol. La muestra fue compuesta por 150 gimnastas de toda España. Se realizó el análisis y la comparación de los diferentes índices de proporcionalidad y la composición corporal en ambos grupos (ágiles y portores). El porcentaje de grasa fue significativamente (p<0,001) superior en los portores (15,1% de grasa), mientras que el porcentaje óseo fue mayor en los ágiles (19,82%). En cuanto a los índices de proporcionalidad no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre ambos roles. Se aprecian diferencias significativas en relación al porcentaje de grasa y óseo entre los ágiles y los portores, siendo el porcentaje graso inferior en los ágiles y el óseo inferior en los portores. Ambos grupos se caracterizan por tener extremidades superiores cortas, siendo las inferiores largas en los ágiles e intermedias en los portores. Ambos roles presentan un tronco intermedio y de forma intermedia.

The study is aimed at determining the proportionality indices and body composition in Acrobatic Gymnastics, establishing a differentiation according to the role to be performed. The sample consisted of 150 gymnasts from throughout Spain. Several proportionality indices and the body composition were analyzed in both groups (tops and bases). A comparative analysis between groups was also carried out. The percentage of body fat was significantly (p<0.001) higher in the bases (15.1% fat), whereas the percentage of bone mass was higher in the tops (19.82%). Regarding the proportionality indices, there were no significant differences between the two roles. However, significant differences were observed with respect to the percentage of body fat and bone mass between the tops and bases, the percentage of body fat being lower in the tops and that of bone mass being lower in the bases. Tops and bases are characterized by short upper limbs; however, tops present long lower limbs, whereas bases have intermediate lower limbs. Both roles present an intermediate trunk, of intermediate shape.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Anthropometry , Body Composition , Gymnastics
Med. UIS ; 28(2): 209-220, may.-ago. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-761897


Introducción: la evaluación del estado nutricional en la población pediátrica es uno de los aspectos de mayor importancia en salud pública, dado que refleja diferentes aspectos vinculados a las condiciones de vida y entornos saludables para el adecuado crecimiento y desarrollo. Sin embargo, en Dosquebradas no hay estudios en la última década que permitan conocer dicha situación. Objetivo: valorar el estado nutricional en la población menor de 10 años atendida en la ESE Hospital Santa Mónica del Municipio Dosquebradas, Risaralda, Colombia, en el período 2008 a 2012. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, con una muestra por conveniencia de 34 315 niños entre 0 y 10 años, evaluando los indicadores peso para la edad, talla para la edad, desnutrición crónica, peso para la talla e índice de masa corporal, desnutrición aguda. Resultados: para la desnutrición global se halló una prevalencia de 18,99% (18,99-19,41 IC95%), para la crónica fue de 20,86% (20,43-21,29 IC95%) y para la aguda fue de 25,81% (25,35-26,28 IC95%). Conclusiones: los presentes resultados deben orientar al diseño de políticas públicas que impulsen estrategias de intervención nutricional, seguridad alimentaria, disponibilidad de alimentos y de educación nutricional en el municipio con el fin de mejorar en forma integral las condiciones nutricionales que tiene la población infantil en Dosquebradas. Existe aún un considerable nivel de desnutrición en la población infantil de Dosquebradas evaluada en el Hospital Santa Mónica de Dosquebradas.

Introduction: nutritional state in pediatric population is a major topic for public health; this reflects different aspects of life conditions and healthy environments for good growth and development. In Dosquebradas there are no studies in the last decade describing that situation. Objetive: for these reasons, a study assessing the nutritional state of children <10 years-old population attended at the Hospital Santa Monica, municipality Dosquebradas, Risaralda, Colombia, 2008-2012, was done. Materials and Methods: a non-longitudinal retrospective study, with a convenience sample of 34315 children, assessing the indicators Weight for Age (W/A global deficit malnutrition), Height for Age, chronic deficit malnutrition, Weight for Height and Body Mass Index, acute deficit malnutrition, in children less than 10 years-old, was done. Results: for global malnutrition a prevalence of 18.99% (18.99-19.41 95%CI) was found. For chronic malnutrition was 20.86% (20.43- 21.29 95%CI). And for acute malnutrition 25.81% (25.35-26.28 95%CI). Conclusions: present results should guide to the design of public policies that would impulse nutritional intervention policies, food safety, food availability and nutritional education in the municipality with the objective to integrally improve nutritional conditions at the children population of Dosquebradas. A considerable level of malnutrition still exist in the pediatric population of Dosquebradas attended at the Hospital Santa Mónica of Dosquebradas.

Anthropometry , Epidemiology , Nutrition Assessment
Motriz rev. educ. fís. (Impr.) ; 20(3): 292-302, Jul-Sep/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-724013


The main purpose of this study was to follow-up the intra- and inter-individual variability of young swimmers' performance and determinant factors over two competitive seasons. Thirty young swimmers (14 boys: 12.33±0.65 years-old; 16 girls: 11.15±0.55 years-old) were followed-up throughout two consecutive seasons (seven evaluation moments). Performance (100m freestyle), anthropometric, kinematic, hydrodynamic and efficiency features were evaluated. A gender and skill-level effect was observed. Boys improved in a higher amount (%) comparing to girls. Overall, swimmers in skill-level 2 (both genders) presented a higher intra-individual variability. Performance and anthropometrics showed a significant inter-individual variability in most moments, but hydrodynamics, kinematics and efficiency did not. Within each skill-level hydrodynamics, kinematics and efficiency were the variables that showed a high inter-individual variability. As a gender and skill-level effect was noticed in an age-group of young swimmers, coaches and practitioners should put the focus in specific and customized training plans for each skill-level of swimmers...

"Análise longitudinal da variabilidade intra- e inter-individual da performance e fatores determinantes em nadadores jovens." O objetivo principal do estudo foi acompanhar a variabilidade intra- e inter-individual da performance e dos seus fatores determinantes de nadadores jovens durante duas temporadas competitivas. Trinta nadadores jovens (14 nadadores: 12.33±0.65 anos; 16 nadadoras: 11.15±0.55 anos) foram avaliados ao longo das duas épocas (7 momentos de avaliação). Foi avaliada a performance (100m livres), e variáveis antropométricas, cinemáticas, hidrodinâmicas e de eficiência. Foi observado um efeito do sexo e do nível competitivo. Os nadadores melhoraram em maior quantidade (%) do que as nadadoras. Os nadadores no nível competitivo 2 (ambos os sexos) apresentaram uma intra-variabilidade superior. A performance e as variáveis antropométricas apresentaram uma inter-variabilidade significativa na maior parte dos momentos de avaliação, ao contrário das variáveis hidrodinâmicas, cinemáticas e de eficiência. Dentro de cada nível competitivo as variáveis hidrodinâmicas, cinemáticas e de eficiência foram as que apresentaram uma variabilidade inter-individual superior. Como foi verificado um efeito do sexo e do nível competitivo, treinadores e praticantes devem colocar o foco em treinos específicos e personalizados para cada grupo de nadadores de acordo com o nível competitivo...

"Análisis longitudinal de la variabilidade intra- y inter-individual del rendimiento y sus determinantes en nadadores jóvenes." El objetivo principal del estudio fue el seguimiento de la variabilidad intra- e inter-individual del rendimiento y sus factores determinantes de nadadores jóvenes en dos temporadas competitivas. Treinta nadadores jóvenes (14 niños: 12.33±0.65 años; 16 niñas: 11.15±0.55 años) fueron seguidos a lo largo de dos temporadas competitivas (7 momentos de evaluación). Se evaluó el rendimiento (100m estilo libre), e características antropométricas, cinemáticas, hidrodinámicas e la eficiencia. Se observó un efecto del sexo e del nivel de habilidad. Los niños mejoraron en una cantidad superior (%) en comparación con las niñas. En general, los nadadores de nivel de habilidad 2 (los dos sexos) presentaron una mayor variabilidad intra-individual. El rendimiento y la antropometría mostraron una variabilidad inter-individual significativa en la mayoría de los momentos, lo mismo no ocurrió con la hidrodinámica, la cinemática y la eficiencia. Dentro de cada nivel de habilidad, la hidrodinámica, la cinemática y la eficiencia fueron las variables que mostraron una alta variabilidad inter-individual. Como se ha observado un efecto de sexo e nivel de habilidad, entrenadores y practicantes deben poner el foco en los planes de formación específicos y personalizados para cada nivel de habilidad de los nadadores...

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Anthropometry , Athletic Performance , /methods , Swimming
Int. j. morphol ; 32(2): 690-694, jun. 2014. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-714330


The aim of this research was the estimation of anthropometric characteristics of elite male basketball players from four Bosnian first league teams, as well as the identification of possible differences between players who play in different positions in the teams. Fifty-five, healthy players (age: 19.09±3.13 years; body height: 189.13±8.30 cm; body mass: 83.42±12.48 kg) were divided into three different subsamples according to their positional role (twenty two guards, nineteen forwards and fourteen centers). Twenty morphological variables were measured and afterwards one (BMI) was calculated. For all anthropometric characteristics, descriptive parameters (mean, standard deviation and range) were calculated. In order to determine the possible differences between the players that play in different positions in the teams the analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferoni post-hoc test for multiple comparisons was used. The results obtained show that there are significant differences between the different groups of players in sixteen out of twenty-one measured variables. Centers (big players) are dominantly heavier, taller, with longer and wider skeletons dimensionality as well as with bigger body circumferences compared to forwards and guards. Forwards are significantly heavier and taller with longer leg and arm lengths compared to guards. There are no significant differences between the groups in terms of body fat percentage, fat free percentage, body mass index and biepicondylar breadth of the femur and humerus. Generally, the values of the measured variables rise from guards to centers, except for body fat percentage and skinfolds. The obtained information can help coaches to indirectly evaluate fitness levels of the players and to design training and nutritional programs for basketball players.

El objetivo fue estimar las características antropométricas de los jugadores de baloncesto de elite en cuatro equipos bosnios de primera liga. Además, fueron identificadas las posibles diferencias entre los jugadores que ocupan distintas posiciones en los equipos. Fueron evaluados 55 jugadores sanos (edad: 19,09±3,13 años; altura del cuerpo: 189,13±8,30 cm; masa corporal: 83,42±12,48 kg) se dividieron en tres submuestras diferentes de acuerdo a su rol posicional (22 guardias, 19 aleros y 14 centros). Se midieron 20 variables morfológicas y luego se calculó el IMC y otros parámetros descriptivos (media, desviación estándar y rango) para todas las características antropométricas. Para determinar las posibles diferencias entre los jugadores que juegan en distintas posiciones se utilizó el análisis de varianza (ANOVA) con la prueba post-hoc de Bonferoni de comparaciones múltiples. Existen diferencias significativas en dieciséis de las veintiuna variables medidas entre los diversos grupos de jugadores. Los jugadores de centro son predominantemente más pesados y más altos, con una dimensión de esqueleto más amplia, como también una circunferencia corporal mayor, en comparación con jugadores en posiciones forwards y guardias. Los delanteros son significativamente más pesados y más altos con un largo mayor de piernas y brazos en comparación con los guardias. No existen diferencias significativas entre los grupos en términos de porcentaje de grasa corporal, porcentaje de grasa, IMC y la amplitud bicondilea del fémur y húmero. Con excepción del porcentaje de grasa corporal y pliegues cutáneos, los valores de las variables medidas aumentan desde los jugadores guardias a los jugadores de centro. Esta información puede ayudar a los entrenadores a evaluar los niveles de aptitud de los jugadores, como también en la planificación de capacitación y programas de nutrición para los jugadores de baloncesto.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Young Adult , Body Composition , Basketball , Anthropometry , Body Height , Body Weight , Analysis of Variance
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 12(1): 55-60, Jan-Mar/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-705785


Objective : To investigate the effectiveness of workplace exercise for employee health by means of health-related physical activity components. Methods : A randomized uncontrolled study with 20 workers was carried out during three months to evaluate a workplace exercise program. The selected outcomes were flexibility, body mass, fat percentage, lean mass, blood pressure, and heart rate. For statistical analysis, the paired t test and the intent-to-treat analysis were used. Results : There was a significant increase in weight, fat percentage, blood pressure, and heart rate. However the clinical significance was 10% in the size of the effect. Conclusion : The changes verified in the outcomes analyzed were not significant; the variables are within normality ranges proposed by academic organizations .

Objetivo : Investigar a efetividade da ginástica laboral para a saúde dos trabalhadores por meio de componentes da aptidão física relacionados à saúde. Métodos : Estudo randomizado não controlado com 20 trabalhadores realizado durante três meses para avaliar um programa de ginástica laboral. Os desfechos selecionados foram: flexibilidade, massa corporal, percentual de gordura, massa magra, pressão arterial e frequência cardíaca. Para análise estatística, foram utilizados o teste t pareado e a análise de intenção de tratar. Resultados : Houve aumento significante no peso, percentual de gordura, pressão arterial e frequência cardíaca. Contudo, o significado clínico foi de 10% no tamanho do efeito. Conclusão : As alterações verificadas nos desfechos analisados não foram significativas as variáveis encontram-se dentro da normalidade propostas por instituições acadêmicas. .

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Exercise/physiology , Occupational Health/statistics & numerical data , Physical Fitness/physiology , Body Mass Index , Blood Pressure/physiology , Heart Rate/physiology , Prospective Studies , Quality of Life , Time Factors , Workplace
Braz. j. oral sci ; 12(3): 164-168, July-Sept. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-701300


AIM: To evaluate the dimensional stability of a new facial molding technique using thermoplastic custom molding tray. METHODS: The designs established demarcation of facial anthropometrics landmarks, making linear measurements with a digital caliper. Facial molding was carried out using thermoplastic custom trays, constructing a facial plaster cast with the anthropometric landmarks already transferred by measuring the linear dimensions on the plaster cast and statistical analysis. RESULTS: All linear measurements in the palpebral and labial regions presented statistically significant distortions. Only one of the linear measurements from the orbital region did not demonstrate any significant distortion. The nasal region presented the least amount of distortion. CONCLUSIONS: Although statistically significant, distortions were due to the method of breathing and were considered to be clinically irrelevant. The reduction in the working time, the comfort provided to the patient and the dimensional accuracy of the plaster cast obtained by the facial molding technique using custom perforated molding tray suggest that this technique should be employed for making facial prostheses.

Humans , Male , Female , Anthropometry/instrumentation , Dental Impression Materials , Face/anatomy & histology , Dental Impression Technique/instrumentation